Sunshine and the Beach

Siyona (syō’•nā): Sanskrit: 1. soft, gentle, agreeable, tender; 2. a ray of sunlight; 3. a sack; 4. a soft couch; 5. a pleasant situation; 6. delight, happiness; 7. a little girl who brings a sack full of tender sunshine to Seattle.*******Sahil (sā'•hĭl): Arabic, Turkish, Urdu: shoreline, littoral. The root of the word "Swahili"; a name for the shoreline of Tunisia; the northern border of the Sahara desert; a symbol in Urdu poetry for hope at sea; the name of a little boy who lives in Seattle.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Turning Two

Sahil turned two years old on Sunday, August 13th. My sister, Danielle, hosted a party for him in Sioux Falls, my hometown. She made chocolate cake, which Sahil very hesitantly ate, concerned that something so rich and delicious must be contraband for him. But when he saw the relish with which his cousins, Catharine and Amanda, approached their cake, he became enlightened. A week later we decided to have a party for Sahil in Central Park because so many of our friends, who are his friends, and of course his Minalmaushi, live in New York. The weather was perfect, and the Dominican Republic even came across Central Park South to say hello to Sahil. Sahil received lovely gifts and we all ate delicious cupcakes from Buttercup Bake Shop. Sahil seemed to have forgotten his lesson from Sioux Falls and was so shocked at first that we gave him a cupcake to eat with no rules attached, no holds barred as it were, that he just kept looking from the cupcake to us and back to the cupcake. I think he thought it was a trap. But eventually he ate most of it, put some of it on his pants and in his shirt pocket, and of course a good deal of it ended up on the tip of his nose. Our friend David took this photo of Sahil in repose, probably enjoying a sugar-induced stupor before he began to run wild.


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