Sunshine and the Beach

Siyona (syō’•nā): Sanskrit: 1. soft, gentle, agreeable, tender; 2. a ray of sunlight; 3. a sack; 4. a soft couch; 5. a pleasant situation; 6. delight, happiness; 7. a little girl who brings a sack full of tender sunshine to Seattle.*******Sahil (sā'•hĭl): Arabic, Turkish, Urdu: shoreline, littoral. The root of the word "Swahili"; a name for the shoreline of Tunisia; the northern border of the Sahara desert; a symbol in Urdu poetry for hope at sea; the name of a little boy who lives in Seattle.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The intoxicating exhuberance of Sahil's verbosity

In our effort to raise a balanced, cultured human being, we have introduced Sahil to the art of film. In addition to learning Shakespeare, reciting Sanskrit verses from Kalidasa, and memorizing the lyrics of Rumi, he is studying the masterpieces of Manmohan Desai. See and hear for yourselves the prodigy give voice to Anthony!


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