Sunshine and the Beach

Siyona (syō’•nā): Sanskrit: 1. soft, gentle, agreeable, tender; 2. a ray of sunlight; 3. a sack; 4. a soft couch; 5. a pleasant situation; 6. delight, happiness; 7. a little girl who brings a sack full of tender sunshine to Seattle.*******Sahil (sā'•hĭl): Arabic, Turkish, Urdu: shoreline, littoral. The root of the word "Swahili"; a name for the shoreline of Tunisia; the northern border of the Sahara desert; a symbol in Urdu poetry for hope at sea; the name of a little boy who lives in Seattle.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sahil and Rafi

Rafi is Sahil's little friend.

Rafi's parents are our friends Nicole and Paige. Sahil had been waiting for a while to meet Rafi and here are pictures from when they finally had a chance to meet and compare notes on childhood. Rafi also has his own blog:


Blogger Team Rafi said...

Can't wait to see y'all next weekend! More fun to be had. I'm not sleeping much these days so get ready!

8:12 AM  

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